SEND & ALTERNATIVE PROVISION - As somebody with a special educational need myself (dyspraxia), I was pleased to take part in the statement last week detailing our plans to improve provision nationally.
We have some really fantastic specialist provision in Bassetlaw at St Giles School, Retford, as well as lots of dedicated and talented staff in our mainstream schools. However, not everywhere is the same.
Too many families have to jump through hoops for their child, with local bureaucracy creating a postcode lottery for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
That is why we are establishing 33 new special free schools across the country and introducing new national standards for all types of needs, cutting local bureaucracy and making sure the process for Education Health and Care Plans is digital wherever possible.
This will give families confidence in what support they should receive and who will provide it, regardless of where they live, helping every child to reach their full potential.